Premium House Auditorium Booking

Thank you for your interest in Premium House as a venue for your event.

You are requested to complete and sign this Agreement. Kindly return the completed documents to, after which, and following receipt of payment of the deposit, Premium Brand Distributors will confirm your booking.

    1. Payment:
      1. Payment of 50% deposit is required in order to secure a confirmation of the reservation of the Event.
      2. Payment of deposit by the Customer will, unless otherwise specified by Premium Brand Distributors, be made within 5 (five) working days of the signed Agreement.
      3. Payment of the balance of the fees by the Customer will, unless otherwise specified by Premium Brand Distributors, be made 72 (seventy-two) hours prior to the Event taking place. The Event will not proceed without full payment of the fees prior to the event.
      4. The venue booking fee excludes any charges of other service providers.
      5. Banking Details:
        Name of Account: Premium Brand Distributors
        Bank: Investec Bank
        Account Number: 1001 1363 905
        Branch Code: 580105
    2. Catering:
      1. The Function Holder is required to make use of Premium House’s catering facility. External catering will only be allowed with prior approval.
      2. If the use of an external caterer has been approved, the external caterer must contact our booking coordinator to discuss requirements and entrance to Premium House. The external caterer will be responsible to provide all crockery and cutlery. All unwashed crockery and cutlery must be placed in containers by the catering company and removed immediately after the event.
    3. Cancellation:
      1. An event is confirmed on payment of Deposit and on receipt of a signed Agreement.
      2. In the event of any cancellation of the Event or termination of the Agreement for any reason, no liability shall fall upon Premium Brand Distributors in respect of any loss sustained or expenses incurred by the Customer or any other person as a result thereof.
      3. In the event of the Customer cancelling the event, a standard cancellation fee of 25% will be levied for all cancellations within 14 (forteen) days prior to the event.
    4. Indenmnity:
      1. Function Holder indemnifies Premium House its owners, directors and staff for any claims for damages, or loss by any person(s), including its guests, arising out of the function held at the premises.
      2. The Function Holder hereby agree as a condition of their occupation of the Premises that Premium House, its owners, manager and/operator of the premises and their affiliates and respective directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives (collectively Premium Brand Distributors (Pty) Ltd and Ford Performance (Pty) Ltd shall not be liable for any accident or injury or death of any person or the loss or destruction of or damage to any property, wether arising from fire, theft or any other cause whatsoever and by whomever caused or arising from the negligence or wrongful acts or omissions of Premium House. You accordingly hereby irrevocable and unconditionally indemnify and agree to hold harmless Premium House in respect of any responsibility and or liability as aforesaid.
    5. General Provisions
      1. Premium House Auditorium is available between 08:00 to 17:00 from Monday – Friday. Availability on Saturday with prior arrangement.
      2. Should the Premium House venue be damaged by the Function Holder or the Function Holder’s suppliers during the set-up of break down operations of the function, the Function Holder shall be held responsible.
      3. Premium House houses several external tenants and the premises shall at all times be under the control of Premium House’s facility management to ensure that the rights of all tenants are respected.
      4. Whilst every precaution will be taken to ensure the safeguarding of your belongings, Premium House, its owners, directors or staff will not be liable for loss or damage to any of the Function Holder’s or Function Holder’s guests’ property whatsoever.
      5. Premium House has the right to remove and dispose of any goods or articles remaining on the premises upon expiry of the booking period without any liability whatsoever.